New Account Setup

Please complete all fields and upload the requested documents (in PDF or JPG format) to create a new ML Schedules™ Software user account and related Group(s).


Class Description
Group A- School Sponsored or Directed Group A - School Sponsored and directed; School-related service organizations (e.g. PTO, Booster Clubs, extra-curricular groups, and related activities).  Note: Teachers should only use this classification for their extra-curricular groups.
Group B - Community-based Youth Service Group B - Community-based youth service (e.g. scouts, 4-H, AAU, youth sports, park department, youth programs)
Group C - Community-based Non-profit Group C - Community-based, non-profit organizations (e.g. service clubs, churches, governmental agencies, colleges); Community adult athletic groups (e.g. sports leagues, employee organizations)

Definition of Community-based non-profit organization includes an organization whose goals are directed toward the betterment of the quality of life for Tri-Creek residents.  Non-profit status is defined by the IRS guidelines and organizations are to provide the documentation of this status.
Group D - Commercial, for profit groups or organizations Group D - Commerical, for profit groups or organizations; for profit youth service (e.g. dance studios sports clubs, private for profit); Commerical enterprise (e.g. private business).

Definition of Commercial, for profit groups or organizations include organizations that operate for profit.
Group E - Commerical, for profit youth educational service groups or organizations Group E - Commercial, for profit youth educational service groups or organizations includes organizations whose membership is made up of 100% Tri-Creek School Corporation students and which operates solely during the time custodians are present.
Group F - Faculty/Staff Class F - Group designated for Tri-Creek Faculty & Staff for use when reserving spaces for regular curricular (within the school day) needs.

User Information








Group Information

If you are an internal staff member who will be submitting requests on your own behalf (i.e. not for a group, team, club, etc), use your first and last name as the Group Name.







Additional Group Information

External / Outside Groups: Upload the Group's Certificate of Insurance and its Expiration Date.


Additional Group Files
  • Non-profit verification:
  • File2
  • File3